Quantitative Analysis for Management, (12th Edition)
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For courses in Management Science or Decision Modeling
A solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science
This popular text gives students a genuine foundation in business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science—and how to apply the concepts and techniques in the real world—through a strong emphasis on model building, computer applications, and examples. The authors’ approach presents mathematical models, with all of the necessary assumptions, in clear, plain English, and then applies the ensuing solution procedures to example problems along with step-by-step, how-to instructions. In instances in which the mathematical computations are intricate, the details are presented in a manner that ensures flexibility, allowing instructors to omit these sections without interrupting the flow of the material. The use of computer software enables the instructor to focus on the managerial problem and spend less time on the details of the algorithms. Computer output is provided for many examples throughout the text.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This text provides a solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science. Here’s how: