Purely Me Sea Foam Body Sponge, 1-Pack
Taking a shower or bath is about more than just getting clean. The fragrance and feel of your favorite body wash has a way of comforting you, helping to wash away the sweat and stress from the day and prepare for anything. Your skin needs more than just the right body wash though. You want to wash off all the excess sweat and dirt gently to provide you with a fresh glow and softness that helps you to feel confident in whatever you wear after. Use this artificial sea sponge to clean away the oil and grease and dirt from your skin, revealing your true, delicate skin underneath. Designed to be gentle on every skin type, these bathtub accessories still achieve washing away anything on your skin. Available in a single package, stock up for when itÃs time to change this one out so you're always prepared for a cleansing shower.