Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care
With new chapters on disaster management, primary health care, and new technologies used in public health nursing and public health education, this newly revised edition of Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care is a must-have resource for students interested in public health nursing and education. *Addresses the relevance of historical evidence in defining public health *Explores the use of technology in public health *Provides the meaning of social epidemiology *Offers an innovative assessment tool that uses Healthy People 2020 as its framework *Focuses on 17 intervention strategies identified in the Population-Based Public Health Nursing Practice Intervention Wheel *Examines how these interventions can be applied to the three levels of practice: individual/family, community, and systems *Accompanied by a forthcoming Companion Website packed with online learning tools and activities to help engage students and further their understanding of the material in the text