Proverbs Commentary (The Bible Believer's Commentary Series)
In this volume, Dr. Ruckman examines the divine wisdom revealed to Solomon in 1000 B.C. He gives spiritual insight not only on the devotional material in the book, but also the doctrinal, prophetic, and textual content ignored by most other commentators. The Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible and English text of the Authorized Version are compared with the textual deviations of the Greek Septuagint and the ASV of 1901. In this work, over a hundred sermon illustrations are presented with vast amounts of material on government, art, music, sports, agriculture, history, domestics, war, and modern living. The book of Proverbs, as no other book in the Bible, delivers to its readers the true "wisdom of the ancients."
(Print Length: 713 pages)