Programming Under Mach
Move over UNIX, Mach is here. Mach is becoming the programmingenvironment of choice. Originating as the result of agovernment-funded research project at Carnegie Mellon University,Mach is now breaking into the corporate world on advanced systemssuch as the NeXT workstation. Mach is the foundation for theOSF/1 operating system from the Open Software Foundation. Technology from OSF/1 can be found on systems from many computervendors including IBM, DEC, and Hewlett-Packard. OSF/1 runs onmachines ranging from low-end workstations to mainframes tomassively parallel supercomputers. Programming Under Mach provides a step-by-step approach tounderstanding Mach concepts. It is a complete introduction towriting Mach programs; these programs are illustrated throughcomprehensive examples. This book stresses how to implementmultithreaded programs which can automatically take advantage ofmultiprocessor systems. Highlights include: *Discusses Interprocess Communication (IPC) *Explains Mach Virtual Memory handling *Explores External Memory Management which provides user-level control over virtual memory *Describes Mach's C Threads and P Threads libraries used to write multithreaded programs This book is an excellent technical reference as well as apractical guide to developing applications for Mach. Applications developers, system programmers, UNIX programmers andresearchers will all find this book valuable. 0201527391B04062001