ProActive Sports Golf Gennie Tee to Green Pocket Guide Black
Every Shot Counts! The "Golf Genie" is a golf "Masters" degree" in a spiral bound notebook you can use before or during play to... play better golf! It's categorized in three learn-as-you-play sections for Basics, Advanced and Quick Fixes. BASICS: Selecting the Right Club - Grip, Pre-Shot Preparation - Setup, Backswing, Downswing - Common Ball Flights - Straight, Draw, Fade Shots - Bunkers, Pitching, Chipping - Putting. ADVANCED: Get More Distance - Uphill, Downhill, Sidehill Lies - Lob Shot - Plugged Lie - Trees and Rough - WInd and Hardpan - Advanced Bunker. QUICK FIXES: Pull Hook - Hook - Pull - Push - Slice - Push Slice - Thin, Fat, Shank.