Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God: Expanded and Enhanced Edition (Active Prayer Series)
Praying in color can take as little or as much time as you have or want to commit, from 15 minutes to a weekend retreat. €œA new prayer form gives God an invitation and a new door to penetrate the locked cells of our hearts and minds,€ explains MacBeth. €œFor many of us, using only words to pray reduces God by the limits of our finite words.€ Maybe you hunger to know God better. Maybe you love color. Maybe you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, a distractable or impatient soul, or a word-weary pray-er. Perhaps you struggle with a short attention span, a restless body, or a tendency to live in your head this new prayer form helps to communicate with God. This smaller, €œportable€ edition has also been revised and updated by the author for the new format.