PortacoolPACCYC02 Cyclone 2000 Portable Evaporative Cooler with 500 Square Foot Cooling Capacity, Black
The Portacool PACCYC02 Portable Evaporative Cooling Unit is one of most efficient ways to keep cool, indoors or out. The large airflow capacity allows for superior cooling that can cover up to 500 square feet lowering the temperature up to 30 degrees. This unit has a 10-gallon reservoir, which can be manually filled and provides 6 hours of runtime. The PACCYC02 uses an all-natural tap water with no harmful refrigerants to keep indoor and outdoor spaces cool. Heavy-duty casters make it portable and easy to move. You can rely on the PACCYC02 for all your cooling needs during those hot months. Shipped completely assembled and ready to operate, right out of the box, and it operates for a fraction of the cost of A/C.
Remember the chill of getting out of a swimming pool on a hot day? That's evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling units create this natural effect and provide a constant flow of cool, refreshing air into hot, uncomfortable environments. The heart of an evaporative cooling system is the evaporative pad. A pump pushes water over the pads and a fan pulls the air through the pads. The water evaporates within the pads and the air passing through the pads is cooled. This unit does not produce mist, promote rusting or wet surfaces.
Portacool products are manufactured in the USA. The company is recognized as an industry leader with Portacool products being respected in both the United States and international marketplaces.
Evaporative cooling units use regular tap water and 120-volt power with no harmful refrigerants. It is easy to use and maintain, and you can use it in conjunction with an air conditioner to boost the cooling. Evaporative cooling units are highly effective in climates where the air is hot and the humidity is low. In dry, arid climates, the use of evaporative cooling is more cost effective than traditional cooling methods.
Evaporative Cooling Units | ![]() PACKA34 | ![]() PACKA43 | ![]() PACKA77 | ![]() PACKA54 | ![]() PACKA55 |
Adjustable Speed Settings | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Low Water Alarm | œ“ | œ“ | |||
Remote Control | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Timer | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Automatic Swing Louvers | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |