Pokemon Trading Card Game EX Emerald Booster Pack
Battles that legends are made of! Land battles sky. Sky challenges ocean. Ocean attacks land. Legendary Pok%E9mon from across the universe clash on every front. Kyogre-ex, Groudon-ex, Rayquaza-ex,and Deoxys-ex need you to lead them to victory. Put yourself in the middle of it all by capturing your favorite Pok%E9mon and taking them into battle in the Pok%E9mon TCG: EX Emerald expansion this May! Look for the all-new Deoxys 'Speed' For me, new Pok%E9mon-ex, Legendary Pok%E9mon, powerful new Trainer cards, plus six newly designed holographic Energy cards, a holographic parallel set, a box topper in each booster display box, and much, much more! EX Emerald contains new cards presented in booster packs and theme decks (Manectric-Wildfire & Milotic-Hydrobloom). Each theme deck contains 60 cards (including one foil card), card list, rules booklet, game coin, damage counters, and a playmat. Each 9-card booster pack contains 1 holographic card, 1 rare, 2 uncommon, and 5 common cards. May the best Master Trainer win!