Playtime with Sera: Sensual Awakening (Sensual Awakenings Book 4)
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Playtime with Sera: Sensual Awakening (Sensual Awakenings Book 4)

Sera€s husband Marc runs into his roommate and best friend from college, who happens to be Sera€s ex-husband. Sparks fly in more ways than one and soon Marc is having to make decisions a husband should never have to make.
Is this a case of fuzzy math where one plus one equals three? Check out this sexy story with a touch of humor.

When Jack saw her, he smiled. €œAre you ready to get undressed?€

Sera sucked her lips in tightly. €œIf I have to. How about you?€

Jack joined Sera at the circular breakfast table while Marc grabbed a deck of cards out of a kitchen drawer before joining them. Marc dealt the first hand of draw poker. Sera got a pair of aces, king high, drew two cards, and got a third ace.

Jack laid his cards down. Two pair, sevens and nines.

Marc threw his cards in. €œBeats me.€

She laid her cards down. €œBut it doesn€t beat my three aces.€

They both made faces but took off their shirts.

It was her turn to deal, and she admired their muscular chests as she dealt, five cards each, face down. She picked up her cards and fanned them. Ace, king high. She drew four and drew another ace. She laid her cards down. €œCan anyone beat a pair of aces?€ They both threw their cards in.

Marc shook his head. €œDamn, beginner€s luck.€

Her brow furrowed. €œHey, let€s not be poor sports now.€

This time they each took off a shoe. She passed the cards to Jack.

She drew one card to four diamonds and didn€t hit it so she took off a sneaker and Marc took off another shoe.

Next hand she drew a third seven, but Marc won his first hand with three jacks. She removed another sneaker and Jack took off his belt.

She won the next hand with threes over nines, full house.

Marc took his belt off and Jack took off a shoe.

€œAt the rate I€m going, I€ll be naked first,€ complained Marc. €œWhat€s going to happen when we€re all naked?€

Jack dealt the next hand. €œIt€ll be playtime, just like with Annabelle. Remember Annabelle?€

Playtime? Annabelle? €œWhat€s €˜playtime€ and who€s Annabelle?€ Sera wanted to know.

Marc€s jaw dropped as utter shock registered on his face. €œWhat are you talking about? Sera isn€t like Annabelle. She€s my wife.€

€œI know, Marc, and she used to be my wife. There€s something we need to discuss. Can we go somewhere private to talk?€

€œWe can go in my study.€

€œLet€s go.€

€œSweetheart, would you wait here while Jack and I go into my office?€

She nodded and they left.


Sera walked into Marc€s study and he rose. €œHave a seat, please, baby.€

She took a seat in a straight-backed chair and Jack and Marc sat back down. €œWould you like something to drink?€

€œNo, I€m fine. Who€s Annabelle?€

€œShe€s a girl from college that Marc and I had a relationship with.€

She turned to Jack. €œWhat kind of relationship?€

Jack€s eyes were intense. €œSexual.€

She shifted in her seat. €œBoth of you were having sex with the same woman?€

Marc took another swallow of Jack Daniels. €œSometimes at the same time. What do you think of that?€

Her palms began to get sweaty. €œI€m not sure. What did she think?€

Jack stood and paced. She could see a bulge where a certain piece of apparatus is usually located. €œAnnabelle loved it. In the end, she would only have sex with both of us.€

€œWhy are you asking what I think?€

€œBecause, we suspect, you would like to have sex with both of us. If I€m wrong, I apologize.€

She hadn€t expected that. Some saliva rolled into her windpipe and she started coughing. Marc handed her a bottle of water from his tiny refrigerator. She drank half the bottle. When she€d regained enough composure to respond, she asked, €œWhat if I said I did?€

€œFirst we would stop the charades like strip poker. Then Marc and I would take you in the bedroom and make you feel like a goddess.€

She looked at Marc. €œYo

  • TitlePlaytime with Sera: Sensual Awakening (Sensual Awakenings Book 4)
  • ManufacturerNew Dawning Bookfair
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-07-03T21:00:32.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook