Pinewood Derby Car (ONE AXLE ONLY X1) -Super Tuner- Bent Rail Riding Rider Steer Axle 1.5 Degree 100,000 Grit Optical Polish by Derby Dust®
ONE AXLE (1x only axle) BSA AXLE that has been prepped, ready to race.
1x 100,000 GRIT Mirror polished BSA Axle with 1.5 Degree Bend with Super Tuner Notch!
Final stages of polishing are lapped with 10 micron, 5 micron, 2.5 micron, 0.5 micron (100,000 grit) to bring a mirror finish using 5 separate buffing plates to ensure absolute polishing finishes. No Cross contamination here just to save a few bucks.
These axles look and sound like champions. Reaching 15.5+ fps at end of 32ft track, exceeding over 17fps at bottom of hill.
Works with dry or oil lubes!