Physics I For Dummies, 2E
Physics I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780470903247) is now being published as Physics I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293590). While this version features an older Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the new release and should not be considered a different product.
For high school and undergraduate students alike, physics classes are recommended or required courses for a wide variety of majors, and continue to be a challenging and often confusing course.
Physics I For Dummies tracks specifically to an introductory course and, keeping with the traditionally easy-to-follow Dummies style, teaches you the basic principles and formulas in a clear and concise manner, proving that you don't have to be Einstein to understand physics!
If just thinking about the laws of physics makes your head spin, this hands-on, friendly guide gets you out of the black hole and sheds light on this often-intimidating subject.