Physics - For use with the IB Diploma Programme: Topic 3: Thermal Physics. First Assessment 2016 (Volume 3)
Physics for use with the IB Diploma Programme is a complete and concise learning resource for both students and teachers alike. Written in plain English with an international audience in mind - many of whom are known to be second language English learners - it follows the IB Physics syllabus (for first assessment in 2016) in a linear and sequential manner. This booklet for Topic 3: Thermal Physics, includes the following subtopics: • 3.1 Thermal concepts • 3.2 Modeling a gas This topic booklet forms part of a series of booklets, designed to allow for a modular approach to the teaching of the IB Physics course. The booklets in this series include: Each topic booklet contains: • Comprehensive explanations of each concept. • Detailed illustrations to support the explanation. • Identification of syllabus statements, formulae, definitions and problems to enable easy navigation. • Numerous problems (including worked solutions), many of which have been taken from past IB examination papers. • Suggested links to the relevant pages in the Practical Scheme of Work. • Prompts to promote discussion on Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Nature of Science (NOS) and International Mindedness.