Philips Wake-Up Light Alarm Clock with Sunrise Simulation and Sunset Fading Night Light, White (HF3510)
The simulated sunrise of the Philips Wake-Up Light provides a more natural waking experience and improved morning energy levels. Featuring a soft UV-free light with up to 300-lux illuminance, the light offers a pleasant glow without harsh tones. The warm yellow light begins 30 minutes prior to your alarm time, increasing in intensity as your chosen waking time approaches. The Wake-Up Light offers the option of waking up to your favorite FM radio station or to one of three pre-programmed nature sounds. Offering 20 brightness settings, this light also comes with convenient features such as non-slip feet and a dimming light for relaxing before bedtime.
At night, the Wake-Up Light provides a gradually dimming light that helps guide you to natural, restful sleep. With 20 brightness settings, the Wake-Up Light is also a convenient bedside lamp for reading or relaxing at night. The durable Wake-Up Light is designed with rubber, anti-slip feet, so it will sit securely on your nightstand. The projected display is paired with easy-to-use touch keys on top of the lamp.
In addition to FM radio stations, the Wake-Up Light can also wake you with one of three pre-programmed nature sounds, such as Birds in the Forest and Zen Garden. The Wake-Up Light also offers a snooze function, giving you an extra 9 minutes of sleep.
The Philips wake-up light is scientifically proven to work. In order to make the Wake-up Light the best possible product it can be in genuinely waking you up naturally and energized, Philips has done a lot of clinical research. This research was conducted by independent science facilities to study and prove the effects of the wake-up light on the overall wake up experience. The Philips Wake-up Light not only wakes you more naturally, but also more energized and that it improves your mood in the morning. Philips was founded over 100 years ago as a company that produced and sold light bulbs. Over 100 years Philips grew into a global company that brings innovation in lots of different areas. To this day lighting still is the soul of Philips. The Wake-up Light is proud to continue its heritage by building on years of knowledge and expertise of the world's most well known lighting expert.
Philips HF3510/60 Wake-Up Light and manual.
Philips Wake-Up Lights | ![]() HF3500 | ![]() HF3510 | ![]() HF3520 |
Natural Wake-Up Sounds | œ“ | œ“ | |
Dimmer | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Sunrise Simulation | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Colored Sunrise Simulation | œ“ | ||
Dusk Simulation | œ“ | œ“ | |
Touch Sensitive Buttons | œ“ | œ“ | |
Reading Lamp | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Long-Lasting LEDs | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |