PetAlive Thyro-Pet - All Natural Herbal Supplement Promotes Normal Thyroid Gland Functioning in Dogs and Cats
PetAlive Thyro-Pet is a 100% safe and natural combination of herbal ingredients for treating hypothyroid conditions in pets. This remedy will improve your pet¿s thyroid functioning and increase the production of thyroid hormones naturally as well as address all the major symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. Thyro-Pet contains no added synthetic thyroid hormones and there is therefore no risk of inducing hyperthyroidism in your pet. PetAlive Thyro-Pet restores healthy thyroid functioning in your pet; treats hypothyroid conditions caused by iodine deficiency; ensures adequate production of thyroid hormones and assists with fatigue, constipation, weight gain and other symptoms associated with hypothyroidism in dogs, cats and other pets.