Personality Structure and Human Interaction: The Developing Synthesis of Psycho-Dynamic Theory (Classic Reprint)
Dr. Fairbaim for reading through the parts of this book that concern his views, to check their accuracy; Dr. R. E. D. MarkilU e(L eeds Department of Psychiatry, Member of theB ritish Psycho-A nalytical Society) with whom I have had the opportunity to discuss the whole MS; Dr. J. D. Sutherland (M edical Director, Tavistock Clinic) for his criticism of chapter VII and his kindness in writing a Foreword; and above all Dr. M. Brierley for detailed and valuable criticisms and suggestions. This book contains a certain amount of material that formed the first half of a thesis for the degree of Ph.D., presented to London University in 1953. The title of the thesis wasT he Implications of Recent Trends in Psycho-A nalysis forS ociology .B ya happy coincidence one of the examiners appointed to judge the thesis was my early teacher, the late Professor J. C. Flugel, with whom subsequently I had the advantage of some discussion of its contents. The substance of chapters I, II, V, VIII and IX are taken from the thesis, with some expansion. Chapters III, IV, VI and VII are new, while the sections in the thesis on the views of Melanie Klein andF airbaim have been entirely re-written. Chapters XVII and XVIII are also new. I have to thank London University for permission to reproduce the material indicated. A book of this type, surveying in a detailed and historical way the developments of psychodynamic thought over a period of eighty years, must either make a large use of quotations or else risk subtle distortion by presenting the views of other minds in the present writers own words. I have preferred the former course for the sake of scientific accuracy. I am, therefore, all the more indebted to a long list of authors, Journal editors and publishers. Their permission to use their works thus has made it possible for me to employ this more accurate method. A full list of ever
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