Payment Deferred (The Fizz and Buchanan Mysteries Book 1)
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Payment Deferred (The Fizz and Buchanan Mysteries Book 1)

First of the wickedly funny Fizz and Buchanan Mysteries Payment Deferred is set in Edinburgh during the Festival. When solicitor, Tam Buchanan, first encounters Fizz he takes her for a teenaged bimbo and his heart sinks. She looks far too young and innocent to stand the pace as his assistant. But Fizz is older than she looks and has spent the previous seven years working her way around the world. She€s had to look out for number one and is not averse to cheating, manipulating people and bending the truth to suit the occasion. Her cherubic face and sunny temperament hide one tough cookie and poor Tam is a lamb to the slaughter. The scion of a long line of lawyers, he has never had to lie or cheat for survival, never wondered where his next meal was coming from and never known what it is to be one alone against the world...Inveigled into trying to prove Murray Kingston innocent of abusing his own daughter he finds himself up to his neck in all manner of mayhem including a gruesome murder and soon begins to see his assistant in a new light.
The series follows Fizz€s career from prospective Law student to solicitor (behind Tam€s desk) Buchanan€s switch from solicitor to advocate, and the progress of their relationship from detestation to (currently) armed truce. Do check out the customer reviews on Amazon.

€œFor Joyce€s stories you don€t need a strong stomach, though you may find your sides aching with laughter. Her humour is sharp without being nasty; her characters are well drawn; her Edinburgh is a place you€ll want to spend time in.€
Ian Rankin.

€œEngaging and entertaining, it builds to a spectacular climax €¦ Deft, daft, and definitely delicious.€
Val McDermid: Manchester Evening Post (England)

€œThe writing is deft and smooth, the characters well-drawn and Fizz and Tam are a couple worth keeping an eye on.€
Sunday Times

€œA cleverly plotted story ... The characters are well drawn andthe story moves along at an enjoyably brisk pace.€
Sunday Telegraph (London).

Make no mistake about it she is FUNNY. I€ve seen myself rolling about on the floor at her Writing.
J.A.B. Hill on AMAZON.

€œFizz and Buchanan are a great double act and Holms€ lively pithy writing is a joy to read.€
Crime Time.

€œDiverting humor and nifty characterization. Go on€"go out, get it, gasp, and giggle.
Sherlock Holmes Magazine.

€œA good story, light-hearted, full of fascinating characters, and it makes me look forward to more of the exploits of Fizz and Buchanan.€
Birmingham Post (England).

Delightfully quirky.
The Scotsman.l

€œFizz and Buchanan are an extremely engaging couple. They are well drawn characters who are perfect foils for one another.€
Shots Magazine.

€œHolms has a gift for writing light, pacey mysteries with an engaging central pair of protagonists in Fizz and Tam.€
Scenes of Crime Reviews.

  • TitlePayment Deferred (The Fizz and Buchanan Mysteries Book 1)
  • ManufacturerJoyce Holms
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-07-06T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook