Patented HAIL PROTECTOR Car Cover System (ANY SIZE HAIL, ENTIRE VEHICLE, REMOTE CONTROLLED, FREE MOBILE APP) for Sedans, Hatchbacks and Wagons up to 175" in length (6 Sizes)
OLD LISTING for the product now located at Six Sizes from $239 with FREE SHIPPING. Select Size in "pull down" Above. Our Patented Portable System of Protection (US 8,985,672) does all the things a traditional cover may or may not do, including Sun, Rain, Dust and Sand, but when activated via remote control, it stops ANY SIZE HAIL using a constant air flow system. The mobile app provides you early warning alerts on hail storms approaching your location, as well as alerts for tornados, flooding wind, etc... The mobile app also provides a real time view of the hail forecast across the USA. Inside the box is a letter with contact information regarding your copy of the mobile app soon after your purchase. Our Early Warning Alert App is driven by our proprietary weather data engine. The cover itself is designed, built and extensively tested for years to hold up to the worst hail Mother Nature is capable of producing. The cover has been tested in winds in excess of 60 mph. The aerodynamic design of the custom fit cover, coupled with the pressure driven by the integrated blower system enable the cover to stand up to the elements that accompany hail storms. It installs in between 5 and 8 minutes, depending on the size of your vehicle and system size. Our early warning hail alert app, provides early warnings to the potential of hail and other severe weather events. The cover is remote controlled, begins protecting immediately and is capable of stopping any size hail within 4 and 8 minutes, depending on the vehicle and the included power option you select. The cover removes and is placed in its included storage bag within 5 to 8 minutes, depending on the size of your vehicle and system size. There is a "One-Time" 20 minute assembly. System has a 5 year estimated useful life. We look forward to protecting your vehicles!