Paleo Diet and Lifestyle: 10 Steps to a SENSATIONAL Summer: Look Good, Feel Great, Lose Weight!: Make Summer Well Being and PALEO DIET Permanently Part of YOUR Life
If your life feels as if its rolling along without anyone at the helm, if your weight is bugging you, if your energy is flagging, if your sleep is never fully refreshing, if you suspect that your life could be so much better, this is your perfect moment to join the thousands of fans of the One Life Wellbeing movement who have discovered their potential for a happier, healthier, leaner, fitter and more fulfilled life.
Holidays provide the ideal opportunity to revise your lifestyle choices and the authors encourage everyone to capture the freedom and creativity of the vacation experience and make it a permanent facet of each and every day. Covering the critical areas of physical, emotional, mental and dietary habits, the book provides fascinating insights into the best ways to bring wellness into every aspect of your life. And that means every single day.
You deserve to be happier, fitter and healthier than you ever thought possible and the secrets to this amazing conclusion can be found in the latest work from internationally-renowned wellbeing specialists, Greg and Beran Parry.
And these incredibly vital and dynamic individuals are the living proof of their lifestyle philosophy. Living life to the full and thoroughly enjoying the process involves a powerful combination of habits that are all designed to work together to make life a truly extraordinary experience.
Learn how to defuse and release your stress
Master the essential art of effective rest and sleep every night
Challenge your mind to unleash your hidden creativity
Discover the power of intelligent nutrition
Enjoy a fabulous collection of truly delicious Paleo recipes
Shed those unwanted pounds naturally
Get in better shape and stay that way. As soon as you remove the harmful effects of a toxic diet, as soon as you realise that you can exercise much more control of your life than you might have expected, your life begins to change for the better. Tapping into the energising, restorative experiences that accompany our holidays, engaging the change in perspective that flows from a change in location, letting go of old, restrictive behaviours and cleansing the body with healthy, nutritious food can open the door to a complete revolution in health and happiness. That carefree celebration of the time away from work is a movable feast, an insight into the real power of creativity and a fabulous invitation for personal growth.
Are you a victim of your old habits and behaviours?
Do you feel that it’s really time for a change?
Are you ready for the excitement and power of a fully energised and fulfilling life?
Have you reached the point where you are ready to move into a new and healthier life?
The methods combine a potent blend of ancient techniques that have evolved over thousands of years to enable us to take complete control of our minds and bodies, together with the latest research into the mechanics of the human metabolic system, neuroscience and cognitive behavioural therapy. The result is a comprehensive approach to wellbeing that aims to put you firmly on the fast track to a better life right from the opening chapter.
The techniques are easy to follow, deeply effective and designed to fit right into your daily timetable. As you’ll soon realise, total wellbeing is not an accident. Robust health and energy are not the whim of nature. They are entirely natural attributes of the human condition and treasures to be gathered from the way we choose to live our lives. Now those choices are presented to you in one concentrated collection of powerful and effective techniques that will guide you to the better way of living you’ve always dreamed of.