PROTEXALL PRODUCTS 11 Ounce L Wax Alum Slick Lubricant, 11 oz
A spray lubricant that cleans and restores luster to aluminum and protects from corrosion for months. Use a nylon pad soaked in Alumaslick's cleaning lubricant solution to renew oxidized or salt-corroded windows and door frames, outdoor furniture, marine hardware, etc. Wipe excess oxidation from window frames with a rag and polish with a clean coat of AlumaSlick. Size: 11 ounce Aluminum cleaner & protectant Quick penetration and release Lubrication that lasts for a long time Restores luster Cleans corrosion and tarnish Protects from sea water salt corrosion Performs great as an aluminum cutting & drilling fluid Wear and tear greatly reduced Stops bumps, squeaks, klunks and clinks Ideal for the beach/ocean front where salt air, & water promotes rust & corrosion. Use on: Awnings, windows & sliding doors, jaloussies, storm shutters, hinges, folding & extension doors LC Wax Alumaslick's protection against moisture makes if ideal for use on outdoor applications as well. Use it to clean and lubrcate schoolbusses, motor homes, vehicle windows & doors.