PORTUGUESE a language map®
Planning a trip to Brazil? Then having access to the local language is a must and you€ll want to take PORTUGUESE a language map on all your travel adventures. This unique language guide gives you exactly what you need at a glance with the most essential words at your fingertips. Asking for directions, ordering an icy caipirinha and greeting the locals Bom dia! (bohm) (jee-ah) is more fun because you can do it in Portuguese. Perfect for any situation, take this Language Map everywhere you go€"from the white sandy beaches of Rio to the scenic views atop Sugarloaf Mountain. Hundreds of words and phrases you€ll need most Divided into key categories such as Asking Questions, Dining Out, Meeting People, Shopping, Sightseeing, Transportation and much more Unique snap-open and fold design Pronunciation is easy with simple phonetics Ultra-thin (barely 1/8€ thick) and light-weight (under two ounces) Laminated for durability Folds up like a map to slip easily into your pocket or bag Full color, original artwork