PMP Exam Success Sheet
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PMP Exam Success Sheet

Students from all over the world preparing for the PMP exam have benefited from Reed's PMP Exam Success Sheet, which is provided in our PMP prep courses and is also available on Based on the PMBOK 6th Edition, Reed's Success Sheet has been written with critical focus on clarity and accuracy. It has been color coded for the user's perspective, this sturdy, laminated quick reference guide contains all 49 processes, 10 Knowledge Areas and 5 Process Groups along with the key inputs, tools, techniques and outputs. It also depicts techniques, tables, and graphs to highlight the most important information to know for the PMP exam at a glance. Common math formulas are provided for rapid look-up, bringing relevant information for the PMP exam together in one resource, particularly useful for those times when students have a few extra minutes to study. Complete with easy-to-understand graphics, mathematical formulas to remember, and inside tips for both preparing for and taking the exam, the PMP Exam Success Sheet is a valuable tool for the PMP Exam.

  • TitlePMP Exam Success Sheet
  • BrandReed Integration, Inc.
  • ManufacturerREED INTEGRATION, INC.
  • BindingPamphlet
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumberPMP Success Sheet 2013
  • UPCs649241891130
  • EANs0649241891130