PIC32 Microcontrollers and the Digilent Chipkit: Introductory to Advanced Projects
PIC32 Microcontrollers and the Digilent chipKIT: Introductory to Advanced Projects will teach you about the architecture of 32-bit processors and the hardware details of the chipKIT development boards, with a focus on the chipKIT MX3 microcontroller development board. Once the basics are covered, the book then moves on to describe the MPLAB and MPIDE packages using the C language for program development. The final part of the book is based on project development, with techniques learned in earlier chapters, using projects as examples.
Each projectwill have a practical approach, with in-depth descriptions and program flow-charts with block diagrams, circuit diagrams, a full program listing and a follow up on testing and further development.
With this book you will learn: