P Audio PHCL-35 Line Array Horn Lens
The P Audio PH-CL35 (Converging Lens) is a high frequency wave guide designed for use in line array sound reinforcement systems or whe- never planar wave-fronts are required. The PH-CL35 is ideally mated to the P Audio BM-D Series and PreNeo Series professional compres- sion drivers that feature 1.4Ó exit diameters. The PH-CL35 is also de- signed to couple to any industry standard 1.4Ó (35.5mm) exit com- pression driver. The PH-CL35 will accommodate compression driver major outside diameters up to 170mm (6.69Ó) and will allow vertical stacking of multiple PH-CL35 wave guides while still maintaining ex- cellent wavelength spacing.