Orgocards: Organic Chemistry Review
For years, college students in pre-med courses, or majoring in biology, chemical engineering, and many other science courses have searched for a study aid of this kind, but have come up empty-handed. Now, Barron's has precisely what they've been seeking! OrgoCards is a set of more than 160 5 1/2" x 7" cards that summarize reactions and reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry. A sophisticated variation on the time-proven "flashcard" method of study, the cards summarize organic reactions in 21 functional groups, such as alcohols and alkenes. Card number-one in each group outlines the group's physical and chemical properties. Each subsequent card explains a specific reaction, starting with a diagram of the reaction, and followed by a Keys section that summarizes the most important data related to this reaction. Following the list of Keys is a Notes section giving miscellaneous information. The back of each card contains a detailed reaction Mechanism, in both text and diagram forms. OrgoCards emphasize repetition and serve as aids to memorization to prepare students for examinations. These flashcard-style summaries highlight organic chemistry data that is vital for success on tests, fostering the student's comprehension in ways that standard textbooks cannot do. Organic chemistry is a required course in most college-level science programs, and knowledge of the subject is a requirement for success in admissions tests for medical, dental, and veterinary schools everywhere. Here is the learning tool that successful students will be turning to!