Online Law Practice Strategies
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Online Law Practice Strategies

New for 2015 - our 4th Edition

"...for years we enjoyed top employment law keyword positions in Google. That changed when Google made major changes to its search algorithms...This book explains those changes and provides an understandable, step-by-step process for doing well in local searches." 
Neil Klingshirn, Esq. 

Your one-stop guide to building the professional online presence you need for your law firm. 

"The book opened my eyes to how important online marketing is to client development today, as well as the impact that social and mobile will have in the future."
Steven Watts, Esq. 

You spend thousands of dollars on office furniture to create a professional first impression to visitors; this book will show you how to create a web presence that presents your firm professionally as well. 

 "This book is exactly what every lawyer needs to succeed on the Internet. Actually...the information in this book would benefit any business seeking to increase their presence on the Internet...I was expecting a decent overview, but was blown away by the current, detailed content in this little treasure." 
Trey Barrow, Esq.

How do you navigate the ever-changing world of online marketing and digital practice management? Online Law Practice Strategies explains everything you need to know, whether you're a solo practitioner or part of a large firm.

This 2015 edition shows you: 
  • How to create an online presence that attracts and converts prospective clients* Why online reviews matter and how you can get them 
  • Where you should focus your efforts on social media 
  • Which digital tools will help with day-to-day practice management 

 If you are reading an online marketing book written before 2015, it is now obsolete.

  • TitleOnline Law Practice Strategies
  • ManufacturerLegal Technology Press
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumbercolour illustrations
  • EANs9780982640388