NulSom Inc. Female & Male Combo - Ultra Compact RS232 to TTL Converter Female & Male Combo (DB9 Connector, 3.3V to 5V)
These adapters help to convert TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) level signals to RS232 interface. One (NS-RS232-01: B00OPTOKI0) has a Female DB9 connector and the other (NS-RS232-02: B00OPU2QJ4) has Male DB9 connector .
Suitable for use with most microcontrollers, 300 to 115,200 bps (up to 230,400 bps).
Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and any micro controller, such as PIC, Atmel, STM or other system with TTL serial communications.
Operate with 3V to 5.5V power supply. You can use this on both your 3.3V and 5V projects.
Perfect for any RS232 to TTL electronic projects.
NS-RS232-01 (Female Type)
RTS (Board) > T2IN (SP3232EEY) T2OUT > Pin 8 (Female DB-9 connector)
CTS (Board) < R2OUT (SP3232EEY) R2IN < Pin 7 (Female DB-9 connector)
NS-RS232-02 (Male Type)
RTS (Board) > T2IN (SP3232EEY) T2OUT > Pin 7 (Male DB-9 connector)
CTS (Board) < R2OUT (SP3232EEY) R2IN < Pin 8 (Male DB-9 connector)