Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Liver Cleanse Diet & Recipes: because a happier liver makes a happier life!
This book should improve your test results for Fatty Liver Disease and other liver disorders. The liver is the main filter of your body. Take care of it by eating the recipes in this book. The recipes do NOT contain any condiments from the refrigerator door, no dairy from sick cows, no enriched food products, no canned broth or other high-processed foods. In 1996, I was having many health problems - migraine headaches, fibromyalgia and low thyroid to name just a few. Yes, I was a mess. I discovered this liver-cleansing concept of taking care of the body’s filter to improve my health. My medical doctors – yes, I had many doctors –only wanted to medicate my pain and other illnesses. I decided that mainstream medicine was NOT for me. So, I decided to go back to school. To my absolute amazement, I discovered that my pain increased when I didn’t control what I ate, and my pain decreased when I did control what was on my plate. Some of my students say that my illnesses were cured, and that I should put the word “cure†someplace in my book title. Not so. Why? Because when I forgot to control my food, the diseases came back. I never cured my illnesses, but only put them into remission. You can do the same with Fatty Liver Disease! My student, Mary, went into remission because she only ate from the recipes in this book. Fast forward to 2015 - and my energy was decreasing, and I was gaining weight. My beloved energy had decreased to me becoming a couch potato. My ability to sleep at night was gone – who has time to sleep when I woke up six or seven times a night for a bathroom break or a nightmare? Right before my discovery to control my technology, I began having stabbing pain in my chest. Something was wrong, and controlling my food wasn't fixing me anymore. Finally, in early 2016, I began to understand what had changed in my life. You may have experienced some of this same change. You see, back in 1996 when I started to control my food, technology was just beginning. Like what? Well, cell phones were as big as a brick and weighed the same. Computer, wifi, and internet did NOT exist like they do today. These technologies are everywhere. In fact, did you know there are more cell phones in the world than people who have indoor plumbing? My electric meter was changed from an analog meter to a Smart Meter. I had the meter changed to an Analog Meter and my energy began to return at a steady and fast rate. The Smart Meter is the largest public health threat on the planet. Today, it seems that everything in the world is wrapped in technology. It is impossible to be a part of the mainstream population without texting, internet and cell phones. Setting yourself apart by controlling your food and your technology is a difficult task, but this book will show you how. My website has some extremely important videos that will explain technology in deeper detail than this book. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth millions. Take the time to watch the videos on my site. Under the logo is a menu bar that says, “Health Videos.†Click there and be shocked and amazed at the information. See the video from Suzanne Somers and her view point on the Smart Meter. Yes, stop reading this description and watch one of the videos to get you started. Most of my students just eat the recipes in this book and don’t go out to eat for a few months. To their surprise, their liver enzyme test begins to improve at their very next test. Take it slow. This is NOT an overnight process. What’s the process? Learning to control your lifestyle - what’s on your food plate, and what’s the technology that’s in your environment.