Noico Metal Barrel Roller Installation Tool for Automotive Sound Deadening Insulation Materials for Cars & Truck (Audio Dampening & Deadener Installation)
Everyone who is going to sound deaden ones car has to know how to lay the material to the car surface and avoid gaps or air bubbles. It worths mentioning that incorrect application of the material may result in corrosion of the metal. Practice shows that it's fairly hard to flatten the material with hands especially in hard to reach remote locations. Noico roller can make installation process easy and effective.
Why it is important to use the roller that is specifically made of metal?
Many people complain that wooden or silicone roller are not really effective as they can be easily brake and are not handy to use.This type of rollers slide instead of rolling and do not fulfill their primary function.
1)The heavier the roller the easier for you to to roll out the foil. It is obvious that metal is a heavy material in comparison to wood or silicone
2)It's also important for a roller to have corrugated surface. This will prevent it from sliding. Moreover, the roller's corrugated surface will provide you with a years of prolonged service.
3) You need to apply efforts to properly roll out the material. Roller has to be rigid to prevent it from breaking. Metal roller can guarantee a quality insulation and long service for many years to come.
Be sure to use metal roller if you are after competent insulation no matter what material you use.