No Greater Love (Drifters Book 3)
Third Book in the Drifters series, after A Song For Josh and Promises
A lonely man works to help the homeless on the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver €“ it is his way of telling his old friend, Jessie Wheeler, that he cares about her world and what€s important to her. Meanwhile, Jessie has made a choice that reverberates around the world. Once, after finding Josh - the love of her life - in a smelly garbage pile, she had told him there is always hope. Now she clings to that advice herself, hoping against hope that she will find her way back to him, to Josh, to the man whose chestnut hair she loves to tuck behind his ear, the man who helped her find a reason to live again.
Jessie€s world implodes when she must match the old with the new and, in the mix, a dangerous aggressor provides the match that fuels the flames of betrayal and reveals the true meaning of sacrifice.
€œGreater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.€Â
- King James Bible (John 15:12-13)