New Roku 1, 2 LT, HD, XD, XS XDS, Roku 3 Replacement Lost Remote Control with INSTANT REPLAY
New Replaced Roku Remote control, this is not original, but function 100% same as original, each key same as original. and do not need any program, only put into battery can work.
not a RF remote you need put roku in front of TV
USA Seller, quick shipping!
30 days Warranty! free exchange or return shipping!
30 days free quality warranty!
The Roku Instant Replay remote control, a 12-button remote control that has 3 additional buttons for Instant Replay, Back and Options.
The Roku Instant Replay remote control provides the following features:
Instant Replay - Allows you to skip back during video playback in approximately 7-second intervals. The number of successive skip backs is dependent upon the amount of buffer memory available.
Back - Provides an additional navigation option by enabling you to go back to the previously viewed screen.
Options - Provides more convenient access to existing menu features and additional functions unique to the 12-button remote control. For example, from the Roku home screen, when you have a channel highlighted, you can press the Options button to remove that channel, rate it or view its description.
This Remote Work with almost all ROku Media player or Box, such as Roku 1 (LT, HD); Roku 2 (XD, XS) ; Roku 3. (But Except Roku HDMI Stick and Game):
- Note: This Remote can works with ROKU 3 Media player box(But Except Roku HDMI Stick and Game) , and it does not have the headphone jack to plug in your earphone. this is only a remote.
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