New Dictionary HISPANO Spanish-English v.4.0
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New Dictionary HISPANO Spanish-English v.4.0

New Dictionary HISPANO Spanish-English v4.0 (more than 340.000 references and translations, no online connection required)
NEW VERSION: Includes enhancements requested by our readers (More terms, hyperlinks, conjugated verbs, etc.)
Now compatible with Android, iPad and iPhone..!!! Please, update your Kindle app to latest version.

With the world becoming ever more global, contact with people of other countries has increased tremendously in recent decades.
Learning Spanish, is much more of a necessity in today's society, because Spanish is becoming more and more important in the real world.
If you speak Spanish, you can communicate with almost 500 million people worldwide, because Spanish is the second most used language in international communication. Spanish is used in many countries,even the US.
The importance of learning Spanish is becoming increasingly crucial in terms of the global economy and it can also play a major role in your own personal development.
Internationally, people who speak Spanish often have great opportunities to work in trade or business fields. Hispanic consumers are the fastest-growing market segment.

If you want to take a trip to Spain or Latin America, a little knowledge of Spanish will get you far. The Spanish passion for living is contagious and once you start to learn about their language and culture, you won't ever want to stop.
Knowing the language and culture of the land you visit will give you insights into the people and culture that a non-Spanish speaker would never have access to. Knowing even a little Spanish your trip will become in an incredible adventure.

Spanish is what we call a "Romance" language, meaning that it is based on Latin. As you know, many English words are also of Latin origin. Because of this, knowing Spanish helps speakers of English broaden their own vocabulary.
Reading Latin American or Spanish books, newspapers and magazines will open a window into the Hispanic mind. Knowing the language will prepare you to better appreciate some of the great Hispanic modern and classic cultural contributions.

The New Dictionary HISPANO guarantees, with a seriousness and reliability demonstrated in previous editions, that it is possible to read in Spanish through new technologies. In this edition we have added all verb conjugations for a better learning experience.
As more you read, more you will learn Spanish. If you really want to learn Spanish, reading is a must.

Some tips:
1. Look at first some texts adapted to your Spanish level. If you try to read too complex texts, its will demotivate you.
2. Always you must have a good dictionary that offers as many words as possible so it help you to get every unknown word. The New Dictionary HISPANO offers more than 340,000 references, so almost all Spanish words will be available for you.
3. Take note of every new words and expressions and review them once you've finished reading.
4. Reread the text you've already read, so you will learn and fix new concepts in a better way.
5. Try to read texts aloud for working your Spanish pronunciation. The New Spanish-English Dictionary HISPANO offers you some rules that will help you to improve your Spanish pronunciation.
6. Be perseverant, try to read at least 10-15 minutes per day.
Good reading!

Compatible with 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation Kindles; Kindle for iPad/iPhone, Mac, PC and Android.
Headword search via keyboard input supported on Kindle for Mac, PC and Android.
Unidirectional from Spanish to English. In order to have a bilingual English-Spanish dictionary you can get its complementary dictionary "Nuevo Diccionario Ingl©s-Espa±ol ANGLOS", available in Kindle Store. On kindle devices, both dictionaries run as primary dictionary depending on book's language.
If you have an older version, enable automatic book update on Content and Devices Manager.

  • TitleNew Dictionary HISPANO Spanish-English v.4.0
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-04-28T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook