New Balance Women's W880 Alpha Running Shoe
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New Balance Women's W880 Alpha Running Shoe

As part of the neutral running shoes designed by New Balance, these are suited to long distance runners who require high levels of cushioning. These provide the cushioning required, but remain light in weight.Acteva Lite is 24% lighter than standard midsole foam, giving the shoe more agility while still offering optimal compression properties. There is also an NDurance rubber compound for greater durability in hard wearing areas. There is a blown rubber outsole and for additional support and comfort the shoe features dual density collar foam and a full length Abzorb strobel board.

  • BindingApparel
  • BrandNew Balance
  • Departmentwomens
  • LabelNew Balance
  • ManufacturerNew Balance
  • ModelW880 Alpha Running-W
  • PackageQuantity1
  • ProductGroupShoes
  • ProductTypeNameSHOES
  • PublisherNew Balance
  • StudioNew Balance
  • TitleNew Balance Women's W880 Alpha Running Shoe