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Neuroscience, Fifth Edition, is a comprehensive textbook created primarily for medical, premedical, and undergraduate students. In a single concise and approachable volume, the text guides students through the challenges and excitement of this rapidly changing field. The book's length and accessibility of its writing are a successful combination that has proven to work equally well for medical students and in undergraduate neuroscience courses. Being both comprehensive and authoritative, the book is also appropriate for graduate and professional use.

Key features of the Fifth Edition:

*In addition to new figures, all of the art has been modified with a new color palette and digital enhancements.

*All chapters have been updated to reflect current research; new literature citations have been added, as well as new experimental content. Substantial revisions have been made to: Chapter 4, Ion Channels and Transporters, Chapter 6, Neurotransmitters and Their Receptors, and Chapter 8, Synaptic Plasticity; all chapters in Unit IV, The Changing Brain; and all chapters in Unit V, Complex Brain Functions.

*Sylvius included with every book

*An appendix presenting an illustrated narrative of human neuroanatomy plus annotated atlas plates presenting brain sections from Sylvius


For Students

Companion Website
The Neuroscience companion website features review and study tools to help students master the material presented in the neuroscience course. Access to the site is free of charge and requires no access code. The site includes:

*Chapter Summaries: Concise overviews of the important topics covered in each chapter.

*Animations: Detailed animations depict many of the key topics presented in the textbook. Topics such as synaptic transmission, resting membrane potential, information processing in the eye, the stretch reflex, and many others are presented in a dynamic manner that helps students visualize and better understand many of the complex processes of neuroscience.

*Online Quizzes: Available at the instructor's discretion (see For Instructors/Online Quizzing below)

*Flashcards and Key Terms: Flashcard activities help students master the extensive vocabulary of neuroscience. Each chapter's set of flashcards includes all the key terms introduced in that chapter.

Sylvius: An Interactive Atlas and Visual Glossary of Human Neuroanatomy
S. Mark Williams, Leonard E. White, and Andrew C. Mace

Sylvius provides a unique computer-based learning environment for exploring and understanding the structure of the human central nervous system. Sylvius features fully annotated surface views of the human brain, as well as interactive tools for dissecting the central nervous system and viewing fully annotated cross-sections of preserved specimens and living subjects imaged by magnetic resonance. Sylvius is more than a conventional atlas; it incorporates a comprehensive, visually rich, searchable database of more than 500 neuroanatomical terms that are concisely defined and visualized in photographs, magnetic resonance images, and illustrations from Neuroscience.

Program Components

*Surface Anatomy Atlases (Photographic, Magnetic Resonance Image, Brainstem Model): Provide a visual introduction to the location and names of the major external features and subdivisions of the human brain.

*Sectional Anatomy Atlases (Photographic, Magnetic Resonance Image, Brainstem and Spinal Cord): Allow the user to explore the internal organization of the brain.

*Pathways: Allows students to follow the flow of information in several important long-tract pathways of the central nervous system.

*Visual Glossary: Searchable glossary providing visual representations, concise anatomical and functional definitions, and audio pronunciation of neuroanatomical structures.

For Instructors

Instructor's Resource Library

View samples on the samples page.

The Neuroscience Instructor's Resource Library includes a variety of resources to help in developing your course and delivering your lectures. The Library includes:

*Textbook Figures and Tables: All the figures and tables from the textbook are provided in JPEG format (both high- and low-resolution), reformatted and relabeled for optimal readability.

*PowerPoint Presentations: A PowerPoint presentation that includes all figures and tables is included for each chapter, making it easy to add figures to your own presentations.

*Atlas Images: All of the images from the book's Atlas of the Human Central Nervous System (which are from Sylvius) are included in PowerPoint format, for use in lecture.

*Animations: All of the animations from the companion website are included for use in lecture and other course-related activities.

*Quiz Questions: All of the questions from the companion website's online quizzes are provided in Microsoft Word format.

*Review Questions: A set of short-answer review questions is provided for each chapter of the textbook (Microsoft Word format), along with a list of chapter-specific key terms.

Online Quizzing
Adopting instructors have access to a bank of online quizzes that they can choose to assign or let their students use for self-review purposes. Instructors can use the quizzes as is, or they can create their own quizzes using any combination of publisher-provided questions and their own questions. The online grade book stores quiz results, which can be downloaded for use in grade book programs. (Student access to the quizzes requires instructor registration.)

  • TitleNeuroscience
  • BrandSinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press
  • ManufacturerSinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press
  • BindingHardcover
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumber9780878936953
  • UnitCount1
  • FormatUnabridged
  • EANs9780878936953