Needles & Sins
Roses scented with bitter deception. Oracles redolent in hidden redemption. A body-mod-obsessed ingenue with an amputee fetish. A demon gone soft on a bitter angel. Dreamcatchers. An alternate Nativity with a pimp God and a non-compliant Mary. Stupid Bitch the three-legged cat. The secret explanation of how Germany almost won the war with the devil on their side. These are just a few of the provocative sets in these 19 stories rife with "Needles & Sins"... Featuring a ton of new fiction and some hard-to-find reprints: Needles & Sins Something Inside The Strong Will Survive Beginning Was the End Letting Go The Char-Lee Bloodroses Made For Each Other Spirits Having Flown Warming the Women Mary Green Green Glass Devil's Platoon Mutilation Street Love & Sex & Rope & Screams: A Circus in Five Acts And Then Some After the Fifth Step Birth and Death You Never Got Used to the Needle Irrelevant in Anathzebra