Music Theory for Dummies
Grasp the concepts needed to compose, deconstruct, andcomprehend music Whether you're a student of music or a music lover, MusicTheory For Dummies presents you with essential information onhow to read, write, and understand music, as well as helpful hintson composing, arranging, and creating original melodies, harmonies,and chords. Music Theory For Dummies gives you a friendly,unintimidating overview of the material covered in a typicalcollege-level course and makes music theory easy to understand. Itincludes updated information on current teaching techniques; thenewest music examples and genres; information on mastering majorand minor scales, using intervals, and recognizing pitches andclefs; the lowdown on rhythms, tempo, dynamics, and navigation; howto transcribe the music you hear and transposing it to other keys;harmonizing and accompanying melodies; composing and arranging forvoices and instruments; performing your own music; and muchmore. Audio CD includes musical excerpts played on a variety ofinstruments Makes learning music theory as enjoyable as it is useful Tracks to a typical college-level music theory course Don't get discouraged by the seemingly complicated writtenstructure of musical theory. With Music Theory For Dummies, understanding music has never been easier! CD-ROM/DVDand other supplementary materials are not included as part of thee-book file, but are available for download afterpurchase.