Music Composition 101 (Art of Composing Book 1)
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Music Composition 101 (Art of Composing Book 1)

Become a Composer Today

The Problem

Most books about music composition are not really about composition. They are about specific points on music theory, or they are written for grade school classes. They either assume too much or too little. They are too dense or too thin.

The Solution

Finally, a book for everyone frustrated with learning how to compose music. Are you just getting into music composition? Have you been composing for a few years but don't know where to go? Are you an advanced composer, but loosing direction or motivation? Music Composition 101 is for you.

Since August 2011, has been helping people on their path towards becoming a great composer.

Just read a recent comment from the website --
"It€s quite surprising that you haven€t got much recognition. I€ve looked hard and there really aren€t any websites that cover such a wide range of music information as this. You have done more than any of those heavy theory books will ever do. I think you€ve revealed the fun, interesting side of composing and made it within the reach of anyone- rather than the boring side that can only be attempted by advanced professors. You help us believe that we can produce the same compositions as people with degrees. I believe that one day Art Of Composing will be the site that every budding composer visits regularly."

This book is a compilation of the very best of Taken from articles over the first year, they explain the fundamentals of composing, the mental aspects of being a composer, and some very down to earth introductions to music theory. This is a one stop shop for learning the art of music composition.

The Mental Game of Composing

Composing is not just some mysterious thing that happens in the brains of geniuses. Normal people can do it too. Approach the topic from the right frame of mind and see your compositions become great.

Music Theory

The dreaded music theory€¦ but it doesn't have to be dreaded anymore. In this chapter, get an overview of the vast world of music theory. Learn about music form, harmony, and why you should know the fundamentals to start with.

Music theory topics covered:

  • Fundamentals

  • Reasons to learn music theory

  • Making your melody and harmony match up

  • A bird's eye view of musical form

  • Musical Phrases

  • The Musical Sentence

  • The Musical Period

  • Small Ternary Form

  • Small Binary Form

  • Diatonic Harmony

  • Chromatic Harmony

Tools and Resources

The tools and resources section will help you get composing quickly and efficiently. You'll also find tons of great places to get free (and legal) classical music.

Some Tools and Resources Discussed:

  • Notation Software

  • Where to get free musical scores

  • Orchestration resources

  • Recommended books about composing music

  • Setting up your very own composing studio in your house

Music Composition 101 -- take your composing to the next level.

  • TitleMusic Composition 101 (Art of Composing Book 1)
  • ManufacturerArt of Composing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-12-07T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook