Mu-Ha-mmad Mut-Ha-Maat (Opening Of The Seven Seals Book 6)
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Mu-Ha-mmad Mut-Ha-Maat (Opening Of The Seven Seals Book 6)

Amon Ra, R amons, Rh omons, Chi Rho, Kai Rho, Sol, Soul, Solomon, Sol Invictus, Sun God

Ra or Rey in hieroglyphics was transliterated as King and the Sun God and in Latin Sun is Sol (Sol Invictus) or Soul.

Amun or Amon was a major Egyptian God and after the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I (16th century BC), Amun/Amon acquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun god, Ra, as Amon-Ra or Amon-Re.

When you fuse the Sun God Ra with Amon you get Amon Ra, King Solomon. When you fuse the Sun God Ra with Amon you get the Ramons.

Synonyms of fuse are joining, uniting and marrying and Amon Ra was fused to the Sun God Ra, the great Pharaoh, by marrying his daughter.

The Egyptian Goddess Mut alternatively Maut was the daughter of the Sun God Ra and her husband was the God Amun, also known as Amon and Amen who was a major Egyptian and Berber deity.

The Egyptian Goddess Mut or Maut, which meant mother in the ancient Egyptian language, was worshipped in Thebes (Niwt-imn, City of Zeus) during the Old Kingdom, the third through sixth dynasties dated between 2,686 to 2,134 BCE.

Maat, like Mut was also the daughter of the Egyptian Sun God Ra, the great Pharaoh.

The Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Egyptian Goddess Mut alternatively pronounced Maut were the daughter of the Sun God Ra. Maat and Mut were the same goddess worshipped in Thebes, Egypt and married to the God Amon, Amon Ra.

When you combine the name Mut with Maat you get Mut Maat.

The final part of the equation is the “Ha” in between Mut and Maat to get the name Mut Ha Maat, Muhammad.

The “Ha” in ancient Egypt was the sum of the five body parts known as the “Soul”.

Ha in Arabic, used as a suffix indicates possession, that the noun marked with the suffix belongs to a specific masculine possessor like when God in the Bible added the “Ha” in the middle of Abram and he became Abharam. Abharam was the father of the Kaaba, the Masjid Al Haram, the father of the Harem; Judaism, Islam and Christianity. When you add “Ha” in the middle of the names Mut and Maat you get Mut Ha Maat and or Muhammad.

He is the fifth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac and in Arabic Ha. Its sound value is a voiceless glottal fricative coming from Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

He (Ha in Arabic) is often used to represent the name of God, as He stands for Hashem, which means, “The Name” and is a way of saying God without saying the name of God.

When Thebes, locally known as Waset, rose to great prominence, the goddess Mut who was worshipped there absorbed warrior goddesses as some of her aspects first becoming Mut-Wadjet-Bast then Mut-Sekhmet-Bast, then she absorbed Menhit, becoming Mut-Sekhmet-Bast-Menhit and Mut-Nekhbet. The Egyptian Goddess Mut finally absorbed the goddess Maat and became MutHaMaat.

The Ha sickle shaped letter in Arabic represents God in the form of the Auroch Bull Horn letter you see above Mosques, on Islamic Flags and the Flag of the Soviet Union in Mosque Cow.

Maat was both the goddess and the personification of truth and justice and her ostrich feather represented the truth in the, “Weighing of the Heart” ceremony.

Pharaohs were often depicted with the emblems of Maat (truth, justice, and goodness) to emphasize their role in upholding the laws of the Creator starting as far back in the Old Kingdom, circa 2375 BCE.

Amon-Ra (who was fused or married to Maat/Mut the daughter of Ra) from the 16th to 11th centuries BCE held the position of transcendental, self-created creator deity "par excellence", he was the champion of the poor or troubled and central to personal piety.

The Sun God Ra or Rey (in Latin the Sun is Sol, or Soul, the Sun God Sol Invictus) was the King and is properly transliterated from the older Egyptian Hieroglyphics into Greek as the Rho letter in Pharaoh. Amon Ra/Solomon became the Ramons and when transliterated into Gree

  • TitleMu-Ha-mmad Mut-Ha-Maat (Opening Of The Seven Seals Book 6)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-11-02T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook