Moya Lost at Sea BJJ Gi - A4
IBJJF Approved
450 Gram Jacket
with 10 Oz Comp Lite Cotton Pants
No contrast stitching for the classic Navy Pea Coat Look
Come with Gi Bag
White Belt Not included
The LOST At SEA Gi is a World War II Era Influenced Gi, inspired by the World War II Era Navy Pea Coat and all the happenings of that Era.
Care Instructions: All MoyaBrand Kimono are 100% Cotton and will shrink. Please note, hot wash and hot dry if you would like the kimono to shrink down for a better fit. If you would like the kimono to maintain its sizing and not shrink, please cold wash and hang dry.
Moya Brand Size Chart:
  Height          Weight        Size
5' 1" - 5' 4"  115 to 140 lbs.   A0
5' 4" - 5' 8"  140 to 165 lbs.   A1
5' 8" - 6'      165 to 200 lbs.   A2
6' - 6' 3"      200 to 230 lbs.   A3
6' 2" - 6' 4"  230 to 250 lbs.   A4
6' 4" - 6' 7"  250 to 275 lbs.   A5