Monsoon of Grace
ATTENTION: This book is by Mark Canter (Adyashakti), not by Steven Gray (Adyashanti). My Sanskrit name means €œPrimordial ENERGY€ (Shakti), while Steven€s name means €œPrimordial PEACE€ (Shanti). Got it? Okay!
Many Westerners have heard bits of teachings from classical yoga about €œKundalini,€ a bioenergy said to lie dormant at the spinal base until it is activated and rises to the crown, triggering extraordinary psychophysical effects. Much less familiar in the West are teachings about what might be called the €œdescending power,€ as well as descriptions of a full circuit of life-energy, both ascending and descending.
This essay briefly introduces and compares the related teachings of four yogic adepts of the descending power:
1) Abhinavagupta, a Shaivite of Kashmir (10th Century C.E.)
2) Sri Aurobindo, a sage of Pondicherry, India (1872-1950)
3) Ramana Maharshi, a sage of Tiruvannamalai, India (1879-1950)
4) Adi Da Samraj, a contemporary American yogi (1939-2008).