Money Magic
A MUST FOR THOSE WHO WANT WEALTH & SUCCESS ! BE A WINNER ! •Such as a man in Baltimore who appeared on the people are talking TV show which was co-hosted by Oprah Winfrey. He won the MILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY and attributed it to LYNNE PALMER who, a month earlier, (on the same show), divulged her secret MONEY-MAGICAL device. DISCOVER HOW TO: OVERCOME Obstacles In Making Money HARNESS POWER That Could Make You Wealthy UTILIZE YOUR THOUGHTS And Downplay Your Weaknesses MANIPULATE YOUR ENVIRONMENT So You'll Be On Top CHANGE NEGATIVE ACTIONS And Thoughts To Positive Actions And Thoughts USE MAGICAL DEVICES That Can Bring You Riches - Candles, Mirrors, Incantations, The Wish List, Seed Money, The Law Of Abundance Check And Much More! "You are a winner if you get my dear friend Lynne Palmer's book." Mickey Rooney, Actor