Mistress By Midnight (Courtesan Court)
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Mistress By Midnight (Courtesan Court)

As children, Desmond Ryland, Marquess of Conover, and Laurette Vincent were inseparable. As young adults, their friendship blossomed into love. But then fate - and Con's need to marry for money - sent them down different paths. Years later, Con is determined to have Laurette at last. There's just one problem. She keeps refusing his marriage proposals. Throwing honour to the wind, Con decides that the only way Laurette will wed him is if he thoroughly seduces her...Laurette's pulse still quickens every time she thinks of Con. So much has happened since they were last lovers. But how long can she resist the consuming desire that demands to be obeyed...?

  • TitleMistress By Midnight (Courtesan Court)
  • ManufacturerBrava
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ReleaseDate2010-12-28T00:00:01Z
  • UnitCount1
  • FormatBargain Price