Minimalist JournalBook (7 x 8.5 inches) Side-Bound Sand Notebook - 100% Recycled Covers - Durable, Quality Paper, Alternating Line and Graph Pages
Let me guess... You just spent an hour searching amazon, trying to find a journal to buy? Should you buy that blue one with inspirational quotes, unicorns, and a cure for boredom? Or one of the other 500 that claimed to have better line width, 12 different color options, and durability to withstand a volcanic eruption? Yeah, we would give up too. So let us make it easy. This is a journal. It has 140 pages alternating in grid/line format, twin wire binding, it's the color of sand, and has 100% recycled chipboard for the front and back covers. That wasn't so bad, right? Keep calm and write on my friend.