Mind Wars
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Mind Wars

€œThis exemplary and alarming book chronologically details the vast array of coercive mind control methods and techniques€"from those used in ancient times all the way to the Cold War/MKUltra years and, finally, the present-day use of directed energy weapons. Mind Wars is a must-read for those who desire a comprehensive understanding of the subversive alteration and modification of human behavior, on a micro and macro scale.€

€"Ron Patton, publisher of MKzine and Paranoia Magazine

€œIt is extremely unnerving to consider what has been done and will be done in order to subdue human consciousness. This is a must-read for those who refuse to join the consensus trance.€

€"Patrick Whyte, co-owner/operator of Conspiracy Culture Bookstore

From the dawn of humanity, the desire to control the thoughts, behaviors, and actions of others has been a pervasive one. From the use of coercive persuasion by ancient Egyptians and the Knights Templar to today€s claims of electronic harassment and microwave €œbombing,€ we have always been at the mercy of those who wish to reprogram our thoughts and reshape our beliefs.

Mind Wars includes fascinating stories of:

  • Ancient attempts at mind control using spell casting, potions, and rituals.
  • Cults and the use of mental reprogramming.
  • More modern mind-control techniques, from hypnosis, drugs, and electroshock to radiation and psychic driving.
  • The inside story of the quest for a real Manchurian Candidate€"MKUltra and the CIA connection.
  • The brave new world of electronic harassment, €œvoice to skull€ technology, and gang-stalking.

    The inner frontier of the human mind is the last bastion of privacy. But are we really in control of our own minds? The answer may shock you!"

    • BindingKindle Edition
    • Edition1
    • EISBN9781601633941
    • FormatKindle eBook
    • LabelNew Page Books
    • ManufacturerNew Page Books
    • NumberOfPages241
    • ProductGroupeBooks
    • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
    • PublicationDate2015-04-20
    • PublisherNew Page Books
    • ReleaseDate2015-04-20
    • StudioNew Page Books
    • TitleMind Wars