Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Unleashed
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Unleashed
Alessandro Del Sole
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch represents a breakthrough in business application development for Windows clients, the Web, and the cloud. Using this new tool, you can build powerful data-centric applications with far less code than ever before. Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Unleashed is the first comprehensive, start-to-finish guide to this powerful new tool. Written by longtime Visual Basic expert and Microsoft MVP Alessandro Del Sole, this book covers everything Microsoft developers need to know to make the most of LightSwitch€“from the absolute basics to the most advanced enterprise techniques.
You learn how to use LightSwitch to build modern, scalable, customized line-of-business applications that automatically leverage technologies such as Silverlight, WCF, and SQL Server Express with no effort or expertise on your part. Through hands-on examples, Del Sole guides you through building solutions that can integrate and analyze business information from virtually any source, crafting custom logic that solves your company€s unique problems, and delivering state-of-the-art usability through professional-quality user interfaces.
Category:€‚Microsoft Programming
User Level:€‚Intermediate€"Advanced