Microsoft Visual Studio: 2012 Unleashed
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 significantly improves developer productivity across virtually all application lifecycle management tasks, while providing first-class support for Windows 8, Windows Phone, WindowsRT, and Windows Azure cloud development. This end-to-end deep dive will help working developers squeeze maximum productivity out of Microsoft€s powerful new toolbox.
The authors combine authoritative and detailed information about Microsoft€s latest IDE, with extensive insights and best practices drawn from decades of development experience. Developers will quickly get comfortable with Visual Studio 2012€s revamped interface and discover multiple opportunities to leverage the updated .NET 4.5 platform it supports.
By focusing entirely on Visual Studio 2012 Professional, the authors have gone deeper into Microsoft€s core product than ever before. You€ll find expert coverage of everything from debugging through refactoring, automation through enterprise-class development. Throughout, this book€s focus is relentlessly practical: how to apply Microsoft€s tools to build better software, faster.
Detailed information on how to...
·        Use Visual Studio 2012€s new interface to significantly improve your productivity
·        Make the most of VS 2012€s new WPF-based code editor
·        Work with solutions, projects, browsers, explorers, and designers
·        Create modern €œWindows Store€ applications for Windows 8 and Windows RT apps with VS 2012 and Windows Runtime Library
·        Develop websites with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and the Razor View Engine
·        Create richer, smarter user interfaces for software of all types
·        Build robust service oriented architecture (SOA)-based systems
·        Construct data-centric applications with LINQ and Entity Framework
·        Develop SharePoint and other Microsoft Office business applications
·        Write Windows Azure applications that live in the cloud
·        Instrument, analyze, and test your software
·        Refactor code for greater robustness, maintainability, and performance
·        Leverage brand-new improvements to Windows Workflow and Windows Communication Foundation