Metaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?
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Metaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?

See What's INSIDE the Book: In this 7 x 10 inch size book, 174 page book AND 679 medical conditions you will find: Understand causes of emotional, mental and physical ailments that stem from your ancestry, conception, birth and childhood. If you are an alternative practitioner you will quickly sharpen your skills, learn more powerful approaches to emotional, mental and physical ailments. As a practitioner you will understand and work more efficiently with your clients. Under each disease you will find emotional components, this version though does not include the key points guiding you to effective alternative ways to heal and how to find core issues in this Volume. In Metaphysical Anatomy I wrote about diseases from A to Z, the emotional components related to those diseases as well as key points as to how to approach the condition with the intention to improve ones quality of life. It will take you on a deep journey that you never once thought was possible! Metaphysical Anatomy represents the connection between mind and body. Based on the principle of “as above so below, as within so without,” you can connect the dots between the health of your body and the health of your environment. Our relationships and past experiences influence our body, not in a vague or “spiritual” way, but in a concrete and deterministic way. With the skills shared in this book, you can read a body like a book. This book is written for the benefit of therapists seeking guidance to improve their clients’ quality of life. It is also easily accessible by the general public in search of answers for their own health, emotional and mental wellbeing. This book is an invaluable reference that will support, guide and help those that have the willingness to change their lives and understand the language of their body. So you think you understand the language of your body? Think again!

  • TitleMetaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?
  • ManufacturerCreatespace Independent Pub
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs8601200613070