MenstroCup - A Soft, Comfortable & Safe Medical Grade Silicone Menstrual Cup - No More Dryness & Irritation - Economical & Eco-responsible - The Best Alternative to Tampons and Pads (Small)
Tired of having to buy tampons and pads every month? - Take control of your monthly cycle today and live life without any restrictions with the menstrocup menstrocup specifications:: large rim diameter: 46mm body length: 54mm stem length: 14mm total length including the stem: 68mm capacity: 30ml (up to the air-holes) small rim diameter: 43mm body length: 51mm stem length: 14mm total length including the stem: 64mm capacity: 23ml (up to the air-holes) how to choose a cup size? Your choice would be determined by your physique, height of your cervix and amount of flow. The small menstrocup is a perfect low cervix menstrual cup and for: first time cup users teenagers a light to normal period flow the large menstrocup is perfect for: adult woman a medium or medium/high cervix a normal to heavy periods our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee: we will refund your purchase in full for up to 90 days after purchase if for any reason you are not satisfied with the menstrocup don't' miss out on this limited time only promotion - order now