Melon Rind Clumsy Thief Math Game for Kids Ages 8+, Educational for Kid's Learning and Confidence Building, Fun Math Card Game for 3-6 Players Adding to 100
Clumsy thieves may be lurking in your own home. This hilarious fast-paced card game has everyone snatching money---when they dare! Big money's up for grabs and every player joins the fun. This game requires strategy, addition skills, luck and a great sense of humor. HOW TO PLAY: Players make money stacks from their dealt cards. Steal a stack if you have a card equaling $100 when added to the top card of a stack. But that's just the beginning! Thief cards steal money cards. Jail cards stop thief cards. In the end the player who has the most money wins. Playing time: 15 minutes. Contents: 94 cards and game rules.