Melitta Extra Strong Roasted Coffee - 17.6 oz - (PACK OF 02)
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Melitta Extra Strong Roasted Coffee - 17.6 oz - (PACK OF 02)

The Melitta Extra Strong Coffee is made with a combination of grains with dark roasting degree, resulting in a strong coffee flavor, distinctive and more intense aroma. Melitta Coffee is the ideal for every moment.

- Vacuum sealed 17.6oz pack
- Brazilian very fine ground coffee
- 100 % Roast and ground coffee harvested and blend in Brazil
- Does not contain gluten

O Caf© Melitta Extra-Forte © feito com uma combina§£o de gr£os com ponto de torra escura , que resulta em um caf© de sabor forte e marcante e aroma mais encorpado e intenso. ‰ o Caf© Melitta ideal para todos os momentos de pique e disposi§£o.

- N£o cont©m glºten
- Dispon­vel em embalagens a v¡cuo de 500g

  • TitleMelitta Extra Strong Roasted Coffee - 17.6 oz - (PACK OF 02)
  • BrandMelitta
  • ManufacturerBRCOFFEE
  • BindingGrocery
  • ProductGroupGrocery
  • Size17.6 Ounce (Pack of 2)
  • UnitCount2
  • EANs7891021006934